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Montenegro renewables should stay on subsidy scheme – Cotee

Montenegro renewables should stay on subsidy scheme – Cotee

Date: October 11th 2023

Author: Maja Žuvela


Topic: Electricity , Renewables , Energy policy , Economy

Montenegro’s market operator Cotee does not expect renewable energy producers to continue exiting a 12-year government incentive scheme after market prices have stabilised, it told Montel on Wednesday.

Faced with higher electricity prices in 2022, green power producers across the Western Balkans started to terminate their contracts for government incentives and sell their output on the wholesale market.

“On average, there is no difference between the purchase price on the Cotee and the Montenegrin power exchange Mepx, so we do not expect more producers to scrap the contracts. The purchase prices for some of them are even higher than those on the Mepx,” said Dusan Vucic, the head of Cotee’s service for renewable energy sources and high-efficiency cogeneration.

In Montenegro, a total of 23 renewable energy producers are now part of the incentive scheme, down from 39 in 2022, Vucic told Montel in an e-mail. He added that these producers had generated approximately 2,900 GWh of electricity in the first eight months of 2023.

Concession fee increase

Montenegro’s government said in February that it might raise concession fees for renewable energy producers who terminate their contracts for government incentives and sell their electricity on the wholesale market.

Under Montenegrin law, incentivised producers are allowed to leave the government incentive scheme for a one year period and then return to it.

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