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Montenegrin investor plans 120 MW wind farm near Pljevlja

Montenegrin investor plans 120 MW wind farm near Pljevlja

Date: May 31st 2023

Author: Maja Žuvela


Topic: Electricity , Renewables

Montenegrin private investor Marijana Andric-Dabovic aims to build a 120 MW wind farm near the northern town of Pljevlja, which should be put into commission in 2026, she told Montel on Wednesday.

During a telephone interview, Andric-Dabovic said that the 120 MW Nebojsa wind farm would consist of 20 wind turbines, each with 6 MW of capacity, which would produce an estimated 394 GWh of electricity a year.

She said that she had filed a request with Montenegro's Environmental Protection Agency to conduct an environmental impact assessment (EIA). The urban planning and technical requirements for the project’s technical documentation had already been issued by the Montenegrin government in December.

According to the project documentation published on the agency’s website on 26 May, the wind farm will be located on the Goli Lisac plateau, which is between 1,200 and 1,600 metres above sea level. Based on electricity prices in July 2022, its annual revenue is expected to be EUR 40.5m.

Andric-Dabovic also said that the total cost of the project would depend on many factors, including what the cost of the turbines would be once all permits had been obtained.

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