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BiH entity and Albania successfully launch GO registries

BiH entity and Albania successfully launch GO registries

Date: June 7th 2023

Author: Maja Žuvela


Topic: Electricity , Renewables , Energy policy

The Energy Community congratulated Bosnia and Herzegovina’s (BiH) Republika Srpska entity and Albania on Tuesday for successfully launching their electronic registries for guarantees of origin (GO).

They alone in the Western Balkans have signed a registry service agreement with Grexel, a subsidiary of the EEX exchange which is the leading provider of GO registry services.

As part of the regional project implemented by the Energy Community Secretariat from January to July 2022, electronic GO registries were established for Albania, BiH’s two entities, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Montenegro, as well as for the Black Sea countries: Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova.

These registries are fully prepared to go live once direct agreements between the issuing bodies and Grexel have been signed. The Energy Community’s contracting parties have until 30 June to sign such a contract.

To date, the only contracting party with a fully functioning GO system is Serbia, which has been a member of the European Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB) since 2020. However, since more than two issuing bodies have now signed a registry service agreement, GO trading through a regional system is possible.

“This milestone clears the path for the registry to become operational in line with EU standards, enabling consumers to exercise their preference in selecting the source of their energy and actively contribute to the ongoing energy transition,” the Energy Community said in a statement.

The Energy Community Secretariat’s director Artur Lorkowski has encouraged the GO issuing bodies of the other contracting parties to follow the example of Albania and Republika Srpska.
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