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Caspian, Black Sea countries mull cable to ship green power

Caspian, Black Sea countries mull cable to ship green power

Date: September 22nd 2022

Author: Maja Žuvela


Topic: Electricity , Renewables , Energy policy ,

Romanian energy minister Virgil Popescu said on Thursday the country is in talks with Azerbaijan, Georgia and Hungary on the construction of an undersea cable to link Caspian and Black Sea renewable energy producers.

Speaking at the Romanian International Gas Conference (RIGC), Popescu said the so-called Green Corridor would ship green power from Azerbaijan to Georgia and from there via an undersea cable to Romania.

He said it would serve to supply other European countries with green energy.

Popescu also said that Romania itself plans to build an onshore underground cable from the Black Sea to supply green electricity to the country's west.

Azerbaijani energy minister Parviz Shahbazov told the conference that the country has discovered “huge wind energy potential in the Azerbaijan-governed section of the Caspian Sea.”

“It is about 157 GW, of which 35 GW are in shallow waters. It is a very economical and viable project. We have already started some projects with different energy companies,” said Shahbazov.

According to the World Bank, Romania has the potential to develop offshore wind farms with a cumulative installed capacity of 72 GW.

Meanwhile, a study published in 2020 by the Energy Policy Group has estimated Romania’s offshore wind potential to be 94 GW.

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