En.odmev 018
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En.odmev 018
Ljubljana, Hotel Intercontinental, Thursday, 8 March 2018
By filling out this form you are registering for the En.odmev 018 strategic conference.
The standard rate is EUR 480.00. The En.odmev 018 conference registration fee includes attendance, electronic conference materials, coffee during breaks, and lunch.
Benefit from our discounts and reduced rates (only one discount may be applied):- 30% or EUR 336.00 – if you register no later than 31 December 2017
- 20% or EUR 384.00 – if you register no later than 31 January 2018
- 10% or EUR 432.00 – if you register no later than 20 February 2018
For Energetika.NET subscribers and SAEE members:
- 25% or EUR 360.00 – En.manager package (for the subscription holder only)
- 30% or EUR 336.00 – En.active package (for the subscription holder only)
- 35% or EUR 312.00 – En. corporate package (for all employees in the company)
- 30% or EUR 336.00 – for SAEE members
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En.odmev 018: Digital Transformation in the Energy Industry
Thursday, 8 March 2018, Hotel Intercontinental, Ljubljana
Programme with invited speakers
Hosted by Urška Majdič and Tin Vodopivec
8.30 - 9.00 Registration & Coffee
Sponsored by Adriaplin9.00 - 10.10 Morning round table over smoothies: Digitisation in the energy industry and global trends
Moderated by: Alenka Lena Klopčič Klopčič, Montel Energetika.NET
Panel sponsor: GGE d.o.o.
Panellists:- Filip Kowalski, SAP
- Marko Derča, A. T. Kearney
- Arne Mislej, Solvera Lynx
- Gregor Novak, SunContract
- Devid Palčič, Robotina
The morning session is organised in collaboration with the Slovenian Association for Energy Economics (SAEE).
10.10 - 10.30 Welcome address for the 11th edition of En.odmev
Tadej Slapnik, State Secretary
Christophe Gence-Creux, Head of the Electricity Department, Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Martin Novšak, GEN energija & Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
Sophie Honey, British Ambassador to Slovenia, Honorary Patron of En.odmev 01810.30 - 11.00 Wholesome smoothies, fruit, coffee and pastry break
Sponsored by Elektro Ljubljana11.00 - 12.00 Main panel: Digital transformation in the energy industry
Moderated by: Andreja Šalamun, Montel Energetika.NET
Panel sponsor: ELES d.o.o.
Panellists:- dr. Uroš Kerin, ELES
- Martin Novšak, GEN energija & Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
- Matjaž Marovt, Holding Slovenske elektrarne (HSE)
- Marjan Eberlinc, Plinovodi & Energy Industry Chamber of Slovenia
- Andrej Ribič, Elektro Ljubljana
- Peter Nemček, Cyber GRID
12.00 - 12.15 Lecture 1: Global energy trends and the necessity of energy innovation
dr. Ben Todd, ECUBES ARCOLA IMS, London12.15 - 12.25 Lecture 2: First blockchain-based platform for P2P electricity trading
Gregor Novak.pptx, SunContract12.25 - 12.35 Lecture 3: Smart Energy Management - The Cornerstone of Smart Supply
Ales Mrvar.pdf Fluence Energy project manager, Siemens, Germany12.35 - 13.40 Closing panel: Advanced energy supply technologies of today, tomorrow and beyond
Moderated by: Ana Vučina Vršnak, Montel Energetika.NET
Panel sponsor: Siemens Slovenia
Panellists:- Aleš Prešern, Siemens Slovenija
- dr. Dejan Paravan, GEN-I
- Anton Papež, Interenergo
- Alan Gregorec, HEP Energija
- Tomaž Orešič, GGE
13.40 - ... Lunch
Sponsored by Plinovodi
*Simultaneous translation from Slovene to English will be provided.
The organiser reserves the right to change the programme.Sponsors and partners - En.odmev 018: SunContract P2P Trading Platform to Be Launched in April
Ben Todd: The Energy System of the Future Will Involve a Wide Range of Technologies
En.odmev 018: Digitalisation Makes Life Simpler, but It also Brings New Risks
En.odmev 018: Energy Industry Can Increase Loyalty by Utilising Data
En.odmev 018: Slovenia Is One of the Leaders in Digital Transformation of Energy
En.odmev 2018: “In Future, Energy Will Be Available Almost Free of Charge”
Matjaž Marovt, HSE: Liquidity in Market for Long-term Power Supply Contracts Is Low
Prihranek je najbolj obnovljiv vir energije (Delo)
Digitalna zgodovinska priložnost za Slovenijo (Delo)
Digitalizacija že, začetki prehoda tudi (Delo)
Digitalizacija naj služi tako podjetjem kot končnim uporabnikom! (Naš stik)
Na okrogli mizi o digitalni transformaciji energetiki opozorila o kibernetski varnosti (STA)