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En.odmev 016

GH Union, Ljubljana, 11. February 2016
  • Enodmev naslovnica ENG
  • En.odmev 016: Winners of Energy Transition

    11 February 2016, GH Union, Ljubljana, Slovenia 

    By filling in the form you are submitting your application to the international conference En.odmev 016. 

    Basic participation fee for the En.odmev 016 conference is 480,00 EUR + VAT.

    The fee covers conference materials in electronic form, coffee breaks and lunch.

    Take advantage of discounts to your admission fee (discounts exclude each other):
    20 % or EUR 384,00 + VAT for early application by 14 January 2016
    10 % or EUR 432,00 + VAT for application by 31 January 2016 

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    25 % or EUR 360,00 + VAT for En.energetik
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    Please pay the fee to the account IBAN SI56 3000 0001 2820 429 open at the Sberbank (SWIFT: SABRSI2X) bank of the beneficiary: Energetika.NET d.o.o., Šmartinska 152, 1000 Ljubljana no later than 7 days after receiving proform invoice. You shall receive the invoice by mail after the conference. 

    If cancellation takes place up to 7 days before the date of the conference we shall charge 25 % of the fee, while in case of any later cancellation you will not receive a refund of the fee paid.

    By submitting your application you agree to General Terms of Use and the purpose of using your personal data. These will be used to keep a record of registered participants and for the purpose of internal marketing research activities and shall not be forwarded to any third parties. The entire conference will be translated from Slovene to English language.

    For any questions or further information regarding the conference, please contact Mrs Mateja Kegel Kozlevčar at #EM#6d6076666e64286c6d6e6f674c68606a627677677d7e7739767c6e#EM# or 00386 1 40 12 872.
  • En.odmev 016: Winners of Energy Transition

    11 February 2016, GH Union, Ljubljana

    TimeProgramme with invited* speakers
     9.15 - 10.15 


    Alenka Lena Klopčič Klopčič, Director and Editor-in-Chief, Energetike.NET
    Dr. Peter Gašperšič, Minister of Infrastructure, Slovenia

    Inspirational lecture by guest speaker: Friedrich Georg Schwarzlaender, SAP Deutschland SE & Co. KG

    Overview of energy sector, Damir Simonovič, Bisnode                             


     10.15 - 11.45  

    Introductory panel: Winners of Global Energy Transition

    Moderator: Alenka Lena Klopčič Klopčič, Energetika.NET

    Marjan Eberlinc, Plinovodi
    dr. Robert Golob, GEN-I
    Blaž Košorok, Holding Slovenske elektrarne
    Rok Vodnik, Petrol
    Tomaž Orešič, Elektroprivreda Srbije
    Bojan Horvat, Energija plus
    Karl Kraus, RWE
     11.45 - 12.15Coffee & fruit break
     12.15 - 13.15

    Panel 1: Slovenia's Energy Concept – Salvation for Slovenian Energy Industry?

    Moderator: Andreja Šalamun, Energetika.NET

    Danijel Levičar, Ministry of Infrastructure, Slovenia
    mag. Aleksander Mervar, ELES
    Martin Novšak
    , GEN energija
    Mitja Terče, Elektro Celje energija
    Andrej Ribič, Elektro Ljubljana
    Anton Papež, Interenergo
    Bogdan Kronovšek, Termo-tehnika
    Q & A 
     13.15 - 14.15

    Panel 2: United European Energy Sector Financing 

    Moderator: Tanja Srnovršnik Volarič, Energetika.NET

    mag. Janez Kopač, Energy Community
    Franc Bogovič, European Parliament
    dr. Franc Žlahtič, World Energy Council, Slovenian National Committee
    dr. Karlo Peršolja, Borzen
    Dennis Hesseling, ACER
    Duška Godina, Energy Agency, Slovenia
    Friedrich Georg Schwarzlaender, SAP
    Q & A 

     14.15 - 15.30

    Lunch with a musical surprise

    The organiser reserves the right to make changes to the event programme. 

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