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About Montel Energetika.NET

Since 2002, Energetika.NET converted from daily online newspaper for Slovenia and South-East Europe focusing on energy to the leading media and publishing house as well as an outstanding organizer of events in the field of energy and ecology. We report daily on current events and developments in the field of energy and trading as well as on some political and business related subjects. We create, gather and report news, comments and interviews and in cooperation with our partner produce video contents. We organize business conferences and seminars as well as free energy and sustainability events. We also carry out sustainable publishing projects. And all this to promote the effectiveness and efficiency of the economy as a whole. Reading Energetika.NET ( will save you time and provide you with all the important business information regarding the energy industry. Participating our business events will make your business even more successful. In addition, Montel Energetika.NET has been the regional representative of Montel Online, a platform for energy traders, since 2012, and has ownership ties to the Norwegian company Montel.

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Montel Energetika.NET d.o.o.
Dunajska cesta 10
SI - 1000 Ljubljana
tel: +386 31 609 184

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tel: +386 31 609 184


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