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Stories from the future

Stories from the future
Energetika.NET, which started actively publishing energy-related publications in 2012, has also published a science fiction book titled ‘Stories from the Future’. The first edition of the book sold out, and at the end of 2020, with the support of Petrol Slovenija, a second edition was published – this time also in English.

The book 'Stories from the Future' is a series of adventures that take place in 2150, 2300, 2350, 2420 and 2490 in a world that no longer knows democracy, capitalism, icebergs or farming, with futuristic heroes surrounded by flying vehicles as well as modern recreations of animals from prehistoric times. These hairless people of olive skin tone look considerably different from the Earthlings of today. The only thing they have in common with people from the early 21st century is equal – or perhaps greater – fondness of adventurous experiences.

In the book, the authors – undersigned as Ian Charles Alex and Lena Cloe – also address readers with the following message:
“Before we embark on a journey through time, we would like to share some thoughts with you. Before we can eye the future, we must first look back to the past, whilst paying attention to the present, to our actions and our attitudes towards Mother Nature who gave us life. Envy, greed, wantonness, larceny, sloth, and hatred are those horrendous aspects of human nature that have been present in people throughout history, and even more so in the 20th and 21st centuries. If we wish the human species to survive, we need to eradi-cate those traits. Maybe we cannot really help the present generations who, in fact, are responsible for the current situation, but we can teach the younger generations to keep the world as it was in the times of their ancestors, and to preserve it for the generations to come. We can do this together by minimising the use of fossil fuels, such as coal, natural gas, and oil, and by using them rationally and efficiently. Notwithstanding the efficient use of energy, constant growth and development will lead to a surge in demand for energy. We should all try to meet that demand by employing as many environmentally friendly energy sources as possible, such as solar, wind, hydro and geothermal energy. We should not turn a blind eye to the fact that nuclear energy or fission, which is rightfully considered a high-risk energy source, will not shape our future. In addition to renewable energies, the latter will be used in safer and more efficient systems and, further into the future, will also be joined by nuclear fusion. So, what is still to come? Is it exploitation of antimatter, or will we use the energy from the stars and extract energy from parallel universes? From there on, nobody knows the answers. Surely a lot depends on our (unlimited) imagination.

‘Stories From The Future’ were illustrated by Lenart Slabe and designed by Roman Peklaj.


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Prejemajte En.novice – energetske novice, intervjuje in komentarje, ki vas bodo v vašem e-predalu počakale vsak torek in četrtek, ob sredah pa lahko prejemate tudi strokovne novice o trgovanju z energijo v angleščini. Kot prejemnik novic Energetike.NET bo

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