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En.economics & Industry Conference

Ekonomska fakulteta, Ljubljana, 29. september 2016
  • Eneconomics naslovnica
  • En.Economics & Industry Conference 016

    A unique opportunity to connect energy and industry, leading to a better economy!

    29 September 2016, Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana - Slovenia

    07.30 - 7.50Registration and breakfast
    08.00 - 09.30GAS BUSINESS BREAKFAST; Hosted by Plinovodi
    Invited guests:
    Franc Žlahtič, Plinovodi; Gorazd Ažman, Geoplin; Rok Vodnik, Petrol; Dimitri Schildmeijer, WPNT Communications Europe; Urban Odar, Natural Gas Distribution Association; Boyko Nitzov, Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER);

    Moderator: Alenka Lena Klopčič Klopčič, Energetika.NET

    09.30 - 10.00 Welcomes and Inspirational speeches

    Invited guests:
    Sarah Jezernik
    , Slovenian Association for Energy Economics (SAEE) & Plinovodi
    Gürkan Kumbaroglu, International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE)
    Karl Kraus, RWE
    10.00 - 11.15 Invited Lecture: Slovenian Energy Agenda (Klemen Potisek, State Secretary of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Slovenia)

    Interactive roundtable with energy and industrial market players on very latest energy challenges in Slovenia
    Moderator: Ana Vučina Vršnak, Energetika.NET

    Invited guests:
    Danijel Levičar, Ministry of Infrastructure of Slovenia
    Duška Godina, Energy Agency of Republic of Slovenia
    Karl Kraus, RWE
    Ivan Šmon, Elektro Gorenjska & Eurelectric
    Silvo Balant, Revoz (automotive industry)
    Samo Lečnik, SIJ (Slovenian Steel Industry)
    Andrej Kitanovski, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana
    Q & A + Conclusion Wrap Ups
    11.15 - 11.45 Coffee Networking Break
    11.45 - 12.15  Invited Lecture: Cost Assessments of European climate-energy policy (Gürkan Kumbaroglu, IAEE President)
    12.15 - 13.30 Invited Lecture: The Role of the energy industry in the EU and the World (by Georg Erdmann, IAEE Past President)

    Round Table: Experiences from today’s energy investments with super best practises from IAEE
    Moderator: Jelena Zorić, Faculty of Economics & SAEE

    Invited guests:
    Gürkan Kumbaroglu, IAEE President
    Igor Papič, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana & SmartGrids Platform
    Franc Žlahtič, Plinovodi & SNK WEC
    Ana Stanič, E&A Law
    Mustafa Karahan, Turkish Traders' Association
    Matjaž Ribaš, SID bank
    Goga Tropcic Zekan, Deputy Project Manager for the Sustainable Energy Finance Facilities of the EBRD in Croatia
    Q & A + Conclusion Wrap Ups
    13.30 - 14.30 Networking Lunch
    14.30 - 15.00 The Social Media Impact to The Energy Crisis Communication (by Dimitri Schildmeijer, WPNT Communications Europe)
    15.00 - 15.30 Introduction of the proposal for the 1st Manifest for Energy Economics (by Sarah Jezernik and Nevenka Hrovatin, SAEE)
    15.30 - 16.00 Introduction of the climate-energy wrap ups from a Conference ‘Energy Policy Considerations’ (by Franc Žlahtič, World Energy Council & Plinovodi)
    16.00 - 17.00 Invited Lecture: Future energy & industry projects as the answer to climate challenges (by Maher Chebbo, Energy & Natural Resources for EMEA & MEE )

    Round Table: What can the energy sector do for industry?
    Moderator: Gürkan Kumbaroglu, IAEE President

    Invited guests:
    Romana Jordan, Jožef Stefan Institute & former MEP
    Maher Chebbo, Energy & Natural Resources for EMEA & MEE
    Dejan Paravan, GEN-I
    Boštjan Smrekar, Papirnica Vevče (paper industry)
    Miran Fužir, Petrol Energetika
    Burak Kartal, GFA ENVEST & Transmatch

    Q & A + Conclusion Wrap Ups
     17.00 - ... Networking with Energy Cocktails

    The official languages of the conference are Slovene and English. Simultaneous interpretation will be available throughout the conference for an undisturbed flow of ideas from one language to the other. 
  • En.Economics & Industry Conference 016

    A unique opportunity to connect energy and industry, leading to a better economy!

    29 September 2016, Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana - Slovenia


    The basic registration fee for the Conference is EUR 190 + VAT and covers  conference material, coffee breaks, lunch.

    Discounts are as follows:
    190 EUR – regular price
    170 EUR – SAEE's supporters price
    150 EUR – SAEE's members price and Energetika.NET subscribers
    110 EUR – special price for students

    More information: #EM#6d6076666e64286c6d6e6f674c68606a627677677d7e7739767c6e#EM#.

    The official languages of the conference are Slovene and English. Simultaneous interpretation will be available throughout the conference for an undisturbed flow of ideas from one language to the other. 

  • Photos by: Miha Ulčar

  • Slovenian Energy Agenda (Klemen Potisek, State Secretary of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Slovenia)
    PRESENTATION: Klemen Potisek.pdf

    Cost Assessments of European climate-energy policy (Gürkan Kumbaroglu, IAEE President)
    PRESENTATION: Gurkan Kumbaroglu.pdf

    The Role of the energy industry in the EU and the World (by Georg Erdmann, IAEE Past President)
    PRESENTATION: Georg Erdmann.pdf

    The Social Media Impact to The Energy Crisis Communication (by Dimitri Schildmeijer, WPNT Communications Europe)
    PRESENTATION: Dimitri Schildmeijer.pdf

    Introduction of the proposal for the 1st Manifest for Energy Economics (by Sarah Jezernik and Nevenka Hrovatin, SAEE)
    PRESENTATION: Sarah Jezernik in Nevenka Hrovatin.pptx

    Energy Accelerator - design and principles of operation, Alenka Lena Klopčič, Energetika.NET & ABC accelerator
    PRESENTATION: Alenka Zumbar Klopcic.pdf

    Introduction of the climate-energy wrap ups from a Conference ‘Energy Policy Considerations’ (by Franc Žlahtič, World Energy Council & Plinovodi)
    PRESENTATION: Franc Zlahtic.pdf

    Future energy & industry projects as the answer to climate challenges (by Maher Chebbo, Energy & Natural Resources for EMEA & MEE)
    PRESENTATION: Maher Chebbo.pdf

  • Sponsors and Partners


    RWE Logo 3C P M NOVO
      logo saee novi koncni  
       IAEE Blue Horiz
      EF logo
    Gas Business Breakfast is 
    Hosted by Plinovodi
         cutting logo
       gen energija logotip
    LogoFE veliki
    borzen logotip
  • En.economics & Industry Conference
    En.ekonomika & industrija 017
    En.ekonomika & Industrija 018
    En.ekonomika & Industrija 019
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Prejemajte En.novice – energetske novice, intervjuje in komentarje, ki vas bodo v vašem e-predalu počakale vsak torek in četrtek, ob sredah pa lahko prejemate tudi strokovne novice o trgovanju z energijo v angleščini. Kot prejemnik novic Energetike.NET boste redno obveščeni tudi o aktualnih energetskih dogodkih v Sloveniji in regiji JV Evrope.

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Prejemajte En.novice – energetske novice, intervjuje in komentarje, ki vas bodo v vašem e-predalu počakale vsak torek in četrtek, ob sredah pa lahko prejemate tudi strokovne novice o trgovanju z energijo v angleščini. Kot prejemnik novic Energetike.NET bo

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Podatke bomo uporabili za vodenje baze prejemnikov in interne marketinške raziskave ter jih ne bomo posredovali tretjim osebam.
S prijavo na novice ste seznanjeni in se strinjate z našimi splošnih pogojih.