En.Trading 017 Seminar, Sarajevo: “Keeping up with SEE power market development”
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En.trading seminar 2017
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, President hotel, Thursday, 18 May 2017
By filling in the below form you are submitting your application to the En.trading seminar 2017 in Sarajevo.
Basic participation fee for the En.trading seminar is EUR 290.
The fee covers seminar materials, coffee breaks and lunch.
Take advantage of discounts to your admission fee (discounts exclude each other):25 % or EUR 217.50 for first minute application by 3 April 2017
15 % or EUR 246.50 for application by 28 April 2017
10 % or EUR 261.00 for application by 12 May 201750 % or EUR 145.00 for Subscribers of Energetika.NET and Montel Online
Please pay the fee to the account nr. SI56 3000 00001 2820 429, Sberbank, BIC/SWIFT code: SABRSI2X of the beneficiary: Energetika.NET d.o.o., Šmartinska 152, 1000 Ljubljana no later than by 12th of May 2017. You shall receive the invoice by mail after the seminar. If cancellation takes place up to 15 days before the date of the seminar we shall charge 25% of the fee, while in case of any later cancellation you will not receive a refund of the fee paid.
By submitting your application you agree to General Terms of Use and the purpose of using your personal data. These will be used to keep a record of registered participants and for the purpose of internal marketing research activities and shall not be forwarded to any third parties.
The entire seminar will be held in English.
For any questions or further information regarding the seminar please contact Mrs Alenka Lena Klopčič Klopčič at #EM#616d676d6f64287d7d64686a7e4d6b6175637576607c7d7636777f6f#EM# or 00386 31 673 236.Sponsors and Partners - 9.00 - 16.15 Seminar Programme with ample networking opportunities
Montel and Energetika.NET, together with Nord Pool, BSP SouthPool and CROPEX, are organising this power-trading seminar, to be held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, focusing on the Bosnian power market.
Programme highlights:- An introduction to BiH, status of the market (production, import, specifics), level of deregulation and future developments (investments, power exchange)
- BiH and future power exchange(s)
- Trading-specific session on production structure, cross-border capacities, key price drivers and other influences on price development in BiH
- Focus on forecasts and expectations for the Bosnian power market
8.30 - 9.00 Registration and Coffee
9.00 - 9.15 Seminar opening and welcome speeches:
Welcome from organizers
9.15 – 10.30 An introduction to the Bosnian power market, price development and power system development + Status of the Bosnian market (production, import, specifics), and future developments – also with regards to power exchange(s). (Omer Hadžić, NOS BiH - the Bosnian TSO, and Ervin Leko, EP HZ HB)
10.30 - 11.00 Networking coffee break
11.00 - 12.00 Regulatory development and level of deregulation and future developments with planned investments and connections (presented by the Almir Imamović, State Electricity Regulatory Commission - SERC)
12.00 - 13.00 Lunch and networking (sponsored by BSP SouthPool)
13.00 – 14.00 Experiences with new PXs (presented by Matias Peltoniemi, Nord Pool, Tomo Bajželj, BSP SouthPool and Ante Mikulić, CROPEX)
14.15 – 15.00 Power trading experiences so far and expectations for future development of the Bosnian market (presented by Boris Jurković, AXPO, and Peter Bračko, Petrol)
15.00 – 15.30 The concept of Market Coupling, key for the development of Regional Markets (presented by dr. Nickolas Frydas, Senior Energy Specialist at IFC)
15.30 – 16.00 Round-table debate: The Bosnian power market today and tomorrow – traders’ expectations and recommendations + Should Bosnia have its own power exchange or more of them and when? (moderated by Energetika.NET; all speakers included)
16.00 - 16.10 Programme wrap-up with MontelLearn how the region’s power markets function, what are the key issues driving prices, and gain valuable insight into how to create business opportunities. Join us!
For more details contact: #EM#616d676d6f64287d7d64686a7e4d6b6175637576607c7d7636777f6f#EM# Presentations
- On the portal Energetika.NET you can find the articles from the event:
- En.Trading 017 Seminar: Wholesale Power Market Volume in BiH Up 21.7% in 2016
- En.Trading 017 Seminar: Balancing System in BiH Has Reduced Deviations
- En.Trading 017 Seminar: All 3 Utilities Should Participate on BiHPEX
- En.Trading 017 Seminar: The Future Will Bring Single Balancing Price in SEE
- En.Trading 017 Seminar: IFC Willing to Assist BiH in Establishment of DAM
- En.Trading 017 Seminar: Croatia-BiH Market Coupling by 1 July 2018?
- En.Trading 017 Seminar: Elektroprivreda HZHB Moving Towards Exchange Trading
- Josip Dolić, NOSBiH: BiH Should Establish Power Exchange As Soon As Possible
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