En.regional 012
Začetek - Konec Program 8:30 - 9:00 Registration and coffe 9:00 - 9:30 OPENING ADRESSES
Prof dr Anton Bebler, Euro-Atlantic Council of Slovenia
Alenka Lena Klopčič Klopčič, Editor of Energetika.NET & Morten Munkejord, Editor of Montel9:30 - 11.30 Section 1: KEY ENERGY CHALLENGES
(Introduction and moderation by Dr Anton Bebler, Euro-Atlantic Council of Slovenia)
Marko Senčar, Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Dr Dirk Buschle, Deputy Director of and Legal Counsel for the Energy Community Secretariat
Tomaž Orešič, Director for Western and Central Europe in EFT Group
Martin Apko, Director of CAO Central Allocation Office GmbH
Branko Žibret, A. T. Kearney partner
Dejan Savić, Energy campaigner at Greenpeace Slovenia
Discussion11:30 - 12:00
(Moderation by Alenka Lena Klopčič Klopčič, Energetika.NET)
Boris Sovič, President of Board of Elektro Maribor
Peter Poptchev,Ambassador-at-large and Advisor to the Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism of Bulgaria
Giorgi Vashakmadze, White Stream gas transportation project
Gorazd Ažman, Director of BSP Southpool
Dag Kralj, member of managing board, BISOL Group
Aleš Prešern, Power Generation Division Head at Siemens Slovenia
Discussion13:30 - 14:30
(Introduction and moderation by Tomaž Šušteršič, Euro-Atlantic Council of Slovenia)
Ana Stanič, Partner at E&A Law
Dr Iztok Prezelj, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana
Dr Klemen Grošelj, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana
Dr Jože Rant, Member of European federation for non-destructive Testing
Jože Lacko, Ministry of Defence RS
Discussion15:30 - 16:30 Section 4: NUCLEAR SAFETY and SECURITY
(Introduction and moderation by Prof Dr Leon Cizelj, Head of Reactor Engineering Division, Jožef Stefan Institute)
Gary Shuttleworth, Director for Business Development in the EMEA Region at Westinghouse
Vladislav Krošelj, Director of ARAO - Agency for Radwaste Management
Miroslav Gregorič, Consultant, former Section Head in the Office of Nuclear Security at the International Atomic Energy Agency
Discussion16:30 - 17:30 FINGER FOOD & VINE 17:30 - ... Ljubljana Sightseeing En.regional 012
Osnovna kotizacija za konferenco En.regional 012 je 490,00 EUR + DDV in vključuje seminarsko gradivo v papirni in elektronski obliki, odmore s kavo, kosilo in večerjo.
Popusti na kotizacije (popusti se med seboj ne seštevajo!):
50 % oz. 245,00 EUR + DDV - za first minute prijavo do 15. aprila 2012
35 % oz. 318,50 EUR + DDV - za predprijavo do 7. maja 2012
25 % oz. 367,50 EUR + DDV - za prijavo do 25. maja 2012
+10 % oz. 539,00 EUR + DDV – za pozno prijavo 30. in 31. maj 2012
25 % oz. 367,50 EUR + DDV - 3. in naslednji prijavljen iz posameznega podjetja
Za naročnike paketov Energetike.NET
25 % oz. 367,50 EUR + DDV - En.energetik (vezano na osebo)
30 % oz. 343,00 EUR + DDV - En.vodilni in En.manager (vezano na osebo)
35 % oz. 318,50 EUR + DDV - En.aktivni in ostali (za vse zaposlene v podjetju)POKROVITELJI
RTVSLO: http://www.rtvslo.si/okolje/s-povezovanjem-vlaganji-in-nizanjem-porabe-do-energetske-varnosti/284260
SLOVENSKA TISKOVNA AGENCIJA (STA): http://sta.si/vest.php?s=s&id=1763892
NAŠ STIK: http://www.nas-stik.si/1/Novice/Clanki/tabid/208/ID/713/Kateri-so-kljucni-energetski-izzivi.aspx
NAŠ STIK: http://www.nas-stik.si/1/Novice/novice/tabid/87/ID/720/Jedrsko-varnost-in-varnost-infrastrukture-morajo-podpirati-vsi-narodi.aspx
NAŠ STIK: http://www.nas-stik.si/1/Novice/novice/tabid/87/ID/714/JV-regija-te%C5%BEi-k-energetski-stabilnosti------.aspx
AGENCIJA ESA: http://agencija-esa.com/2012/05/30/en-regional-012/
TELEX: http://www.telex.si/novica.php?n=572417
E-REVIJA: http://www.erevija.com/novica/4288796/Na-konferenci-Enregional-012-o-izzivih-na-podrocju-energetike
PREBERI.SI: http://www.preberi.si/content/view/5070639-En-regional-012-JV-Evropa-zamuja-z-izgradnjo-novih-kapacitet-problem-pa-je-tudi-denar.html
DODATKI.INFO: http://dodatki.info/en-regional-012-jv-evropa-zamuja-z-izgradnjo-novih-kapacitet-problem-pa-je-tudi-denar-2/
Prof dr Anton Bebler, Euro-Atlantic Council of Slovenia
Alenka Lena Klopčič Klopčič, Editor of Energetika.NET
0 Morten Munkejord.pdf, Editor of Montel1_Marko Sencar.pdf, Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
1_Dirk Buschle.pdf, Deputy Director of and Legal Counsel for the Energy Community Secretariat
1_Tomaž Orešič.pdf, Director for Western and Central Europe in EFT Group
1_Martin Apko.pdf, Director of CAO – Central Allocation Office
1_Igor Maroša.pdf, A.T.Kearney partner
1_Dejan Savic.pdf, Energy campaigner at Greenpeace SloveniaSECTION 2
Boris Sovič, President of Board of Elektro Maribor
2 Peter Poptchev.pdf, Ambassador-at-large and Advisor to the Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism of Bulgaria
2 Dag Kralj.pdf, Member of managing board, BISOL Group
2 Gorazd Azman.pdf, General Director of BSP Southpool
2 Ales Presern.pdf, Power Generation Division Head at Siemens SloveniaSECTION 3
3 Ana Stanic.pdf, Partner at E&A Law
3 Joze Lacko.pdf, IPT CEO, Ministry of Defence RS
3 Iztok Prezelj.pdf, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana
3 Klemen Grošelj.xps, Lecturer at Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana
3 Joze Rant.pdf, Member of European Federation for Non-Destructive testingSECTION 4
4 Leon CIzelj.pdf, Head, Reactor Engineering Division, Jožef Stefan Institute
4 Gary Shuttleworth.pdf, Director for Business Development in the EMEA Region at Westinghouse
4 Vladislav Kroselj.pdf, Director of ARAO - Agency for Radwaste Management
4 Miroslav Gregoric.pdf, Consultant, former Section Head in the Office of Nuclear Security at the International Atomic Energy Agency
En.regional 012